Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why I chose to study Japanese

I chose to study Japanese because I have always wanted to learn Japanese. I am taking this class purely for my own enjoyment and learning because I am using Spanish to fulfill my language requirement. When I was younger I was very interested in Japanese culture. Especially the fashion because at that time I wanted to be a fashion designer. Also as an artist I got very into the Japanese style of cartooning and used to draw like that all the time. I also really enjoy reading manga and watching anime. Now I would say my main interest in learning Japanese is that I would love to travel there sometime in the near future. And through this class I feel like I will be able to converse with people and know the right and polite ways to do things so that I do not offend anyone.
I am excited about learning more and being able to speak more conversational Japanese. I am excited about this blog and think it will be a lot of fun. I guess what I found difficult about the first two weeks of class are that I forgot a lot of important things over the summer and have to refresh my memory while learning new things.

-フリーニー レティ


  1. はじめまして。ノートンです。どおぞよろしく.わたしのノトルダムのだいがくせいです。コロンビアだいがくはすきですか。どこからきましたか。せんこうわなんですか。

  2. どおぞよろしく ノートンさん。 はい、コロンビアだいがく は すきです。いなか の ニューヨーク からきました。 あのう コロンビアだいがく は むずがし です が とても もうけになる です。すみません、あなと の コメント は より前に かいとうします (sorry I didn't reply to your comment earlier)。
